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Design Technology (D.T) enables pupils to learn about the designed and made world and how things work whilst providing pupils with the knowledge, opportunities and inspiration to design and make functional products for a real purpose and intended user.

Our D.T.curriculum meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and is sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on prior learning. It ensures that pupils develop their knowledge of design, construction and evaluation alongside their technical knowledge of:

  • cooking and nutrition
  • mechanisms and mechanical systems
  • structures and textiles
  • electrical systems
  • the digital world

Design and technology is an evaluative subject and we ensure that pupils draw upon previous knowledge from other disciplines, such as mathematics and science, to support their learning in design and technology. The sequencing of our curriculum allows repeated opportunities to revisit and build upon prior learning and apply their knowledge in order to create increasingly sophisticated products.

We utilise the Kapow Design Technology scheme of work to support our intent and implementation. It supports effective teaching and learning through the provision of high-quality resources, including medium-term planning and subject knowledge enhancement.

Design Technology Long Term Sequence