Welcome to our EYFS
For many children, our EYFS will be their first steps on their educational journey . Our team strongly believe in providing a safe, caring and stimulating environment, where children can explore and learn through their play, building new and exciting friendships. At Braeburn, we celebrate every child’s uniqueness. We are kind, caring and always positive with our children.
Our Early Years is an extra special place where each child is a valued member of our team and together we begin our journey to explore and discover the world around us. The team ethos, that we foster and nurture in Nursery and Reception, prepares our children for school life, developing self confidence, belief and embedding positive behaviour for learning.
Our staff are dedicated to ensure that all of our children develop the independence, confidence and resilience to explore, embrace new experiences and take risks in a safe and secure environment. We strive to ensure our children ‘dream big’ and believe that anything is possible!
Within the EYFS we endeavour to build strong relationships with parents and carers, so that together we can ensure the needs of all children are met and their individual next steps are identified. Together, we can quickly identify any additional needs and put in place strategies that ensure we provide the best possible opportunities and experiences for all of our children to learn.
Within our EYFS Team, we have Miss Spivey, an Early Language Professional who supports all our children’s language through high quality interactions in their play. She works with our teaching team to identify and provide support for children with additional communication and language needs, implementing bespoke interventions that target individual needs..
Development Matters – Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage