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Remote Learning

In the event of a full or partial school closure, you will be notified as soon as possible via a Class Dojo message. The school will provide the following remote learning package:

  • Our EYFS children will receive a weekly ‘menu’ of activities to choose from and a weekly phonics focus – both will be posted on Class Dojo
  • Pupils in KS1 and KS2: work will include one English task, one Maths task, and one foundation subject task each day. Phonics and Spelling tasks will also be set
  • Tasks will include different responses from children – these could include typed responses, drawings and photos of work completed
  • Class Dojo and Google Classroom will be used to post challenges
  • Children’s work will receive feedback or be marked as appropriate. This will happen during normal working hours, Monday to Friday.

If a pupil or small group of pupils but not a whole class are asked to isolate, there will be the following differences from that outlined above:

  • Children will be set maths and English activities in the form of paper learning packs
  • Activities will mirror as much as possible what is happening in school in their class
  • Children may be set other tasks but that will be at the discretion of the class teacher
  • Paper learning packs should not be returned to school and should remain at home.

In the event of a KS2 class needing to self-isolate, ChromeBooks may be provided to support learning.