RE Sequence of Knowledge
RE substantive knowledge
Children are taught the basis of 4 key religions throughout their time at Braeburn:
Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam
They learn about the beliefs of the different religions, the different practises from those religions and at the forefront they are learning about the people who practice those religions.
RE Disciplinary Knowledge
Children learn how to ask questions about the substantive knowledge that they have learnt. It allows children to think critically and apply the information they have learnt about different religions, helping them to understand the differences and similarities between themselves and others. Through this they develop respect, tolerance, empathy and have a much greater understanding of religions around the world.
Through the three strands of believing, expressing and living knowledge is revisited and built upon. At Braeburn we teach a 2 year cycle. Key questions have been chosen such as What does it mean to belong to a faith community?(KS1 Cycle A Spring 2) to incorporate both Substantive and Disciplinary Knowledge. All of the four religions are included in cycle A and B as planned revisits to ensure Knowledge is retained and recalled.