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Ebor Academy Trust Logo

We ran around the world!

We have now completed our challenge – and children and staff at our 24 schools have ‘ran around the world’. During the 31 days of May we walked, ran, cycled or wheeled over 44,000km, which allowed us to ‘travel’ across our planet. All the details of our journey will shortly be on...

11th May latest update


Latest update – 11 May 2020

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday 10 May, we now know that a conditional plan for education will see Reception, Year One and Year Six pupils begin a phased return to school from Monday 1 June; with Year 10 and Year 12 pupils spending at least some time...

Run Around The World

Join us in our Run Around the World Our school is joining with all 24 schools across Ebor Academy Trust in a challenge to Run Around the World! If all of the 6,000 pupils, plus 500 others – your family or staff – take part and run, walk, cycle or wheel 200 metres per day during...

Coronavirus Latest

If you are a key worker and need to contact our school regarding placing your child at short notice please use the following email address:   Emergency closure From Monday 23 March, only children of key workers and vulnerable children will remain...

Public Admission Number Consultation

Please open the document below if you’d like more information about the school’s ongoing consultation and respond as directed, if appropriate. PAN consultation letter

Equipping children for life

We believe that all children should be given the opportunity to achieve their best within a safe and caring school community. We place great importance on your child’s emotional health and wellbeing and see our job as educators not just to teach children to read and write, but to...

Reuniting lost property

We would like to reduce the amount of lost property we accumulate in school. To help us reunite children with lost clothes it is essential they label all items of clothing, as well as PE bags, kits and pack-up boxes.

Take care with your scooters and bikes

It is always lovely to see the children walking and riding their scooters and bicycles to school. It is a great way to keep bodies and minds fit and healthy. However, please can you be sure to ask your children not to ride their scooters and bikes onto the school playground as we...

Reading is important

Reading is a high priority in our school; it is important that children read a little every day and discuss their reading with an adult or an older brother or sister to help develop a wide variety of reading skills. Reading regularly and widely will help to ensure children become...